About our work

We work in the field of nanomaterials modelling - aiming at developing atomic-scale understanding of novel materials, and ultimately towards designing materials for the energy needs of the future.

We develop and apply quantum chemistry and machine learning methods to probe the dynamics of catalytically important porous materials, from zeolites to layered oxides, to metal nanoparticles.



A major focus of our work is to understand, predict and manipulate the properties of zeolitic materials, towards optimization of their function as sorbents and catalysts. Much of that interest is focussed on controlling the stability against (and mechanisms of) zeolite decomposition, under operando conditions. Controlling stability means both understanding how to avoid decomposition, but also to selectively utilise hydrolysis to generate new materials with improved properties - e.g. via the ADOR process. We approach these systems by a combination of Ab Initio Molecular and biased dynamical simulations, and via development of machine learning methods to enhance simulation timescales and quality.

Much of this work is done in association with the nanomaterials modelling group and CUCAM project at Charles University in Prague.

Metal Nanoclusters

Another major area of interest is in understanding the dynamic properties of metallic clusters of around (and below) 1 nm in size. Via surface support or encapsulation into porous media, small metal clusters may be stabilised against growth and sintering, giving rise to highly active photonic and catalytic hybrid systems. We are interested in modelling the dynamic behaviour of these clusters under realistic conditions - including migration, sintering, redispersion, and the roles of reactive atmospheres, temperature and aging. To bridge the time gap between computational modelling and experiment, we develop and apply kinetic modelling and ML techniques, alongside traditional density functional methods.

Current Teammates

Dr. Lukas Grajciar: Assistant Professor - Development of ML and dynamic modelling methods

Dianwei Hou: PhD student - structure prediction and kinetic modelling of encapsulated metal clusters

Chen Lei: PhD student - Structural and NMR modelling of zeolites

Deborah Brako-Amoafo: PhD student - Modelling of zeolite NMR spectra via ML methods

Tereza Benesova: Masters Student - Modelling of hydrolysis and oxygen-exchange mechanisms in zeolites

Current Projects

  • Junior GACR project 20-26767Y: Stability of Metal Particles Encapsulated in Zeolites: Multiscale Modelling and Experimental Benchmarking

  • UNCE/SCI/014

Collaborating on Projects



  • Quantum Chemistry (3 credits, winter semester, MC260P59)

  • Electronic Structure of Complex Molecular Systems and Biomolecules (5 credits, winter semester, MC260P82)

  • Quantum chemistry applications - materials properties and materials design (3 credits, summer semester, MC260P130)

  • Physical Chemistry for International Students I (4 credits, summer semester, MC260P132)